
51. Happy Friday Links

Finding my blogging feet and back with some wonderful reads and resources to inspire simplicity, mindfulness and living well on less.

  • Ariana from Paris To Go creates cute outfits from her minimalist wardrobe and check out her gorgeous DIY copper clothes rack. I love her non-attachment to clothes and her confidence in owning less.
  • A smart family with an amazing tiny home complete with garden, pond and tree house. I admire so much about their attitude, discipline and style. Thank you Exploring Alternatives.  
  • From The Pool, an interesting article by Ella Risbridger about If God Made Jam, a poem by Sarah Lindsay.
  • 5 minimalist New Years Resolutions from The 5 Minute Minimalist (at last some snappy, straight forward talking minimalism on the internet). 
  • Kale is currently my favourite veg and so this kale and black bean salad from Aine at Pea Soup really appeals to me (although I might simplify/substitute some of the ingredients). 
  • I know... another wardrobe link... but hear me out. I've chosen this one because who can't identify with issues such as needing comfortable clothes and dealing with their body shape changing. Forever Wardrobe Part 2 from Janet at Gardener's Cottage gives hope and inspiration. 
  • From Leo Babauta, the master of mindfulness and habit changing, One Simple Shift to Turn Life Into an Adventure.

And that's all for now. Enjoy these reads and your weekend too xo



Enjoying the Present Moment

Our eldest son has just returned to China after a three week break at home. It was lovely to have Sam home, enjoy his company and catch-up with his life in more detail - Skype is not quite the same as hanging out in the kitchen over vinyl and a drink. He's definitely more assured and independent and, of course, he had plenty of interesting tales to tell of his ten months living in central China.

Now that he's on his way back to China (to teach English again but this time in Shenzhen bordering Hong Kong), I'm left with the impression of how much he made of his three week visit in the UK. He caught up with old school and uni friends in different parts of the country, was keen to see grandparents as well as other family members and he also took himself off to a gig in Birmingham. Sam took it all in his stride and seemed to be equally happy with simple pleasures such as relaxing at home or going food shopping to find ingredients for a (very spicy) Chinese dish which he cooked for us. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that he was focused on the moment and was open to making the most of each day, whether that was a day at home or an opportunity to visit London to see a friend and do some exploring. Enjoying the present moment and seizing new opportunities is a great attitude to have if you're 22 or even 51! Thanks for the tip, Sam!

Can I just say thank you to everyone who's left me a comment – it's lovely to hear from you too!




Well hello! I thought I'd return where I left off with a few glorious photos of Lyme Regis. It was a much needed break - unlike my last blogging break which I wish had not been so long. I could blame many things: new working patterns; a virus infested computer; digital overload; caring for parents whilst managing offspring from afar; perfectionism; 50 plus hormone changes; and the list goes on. In truth, it's been a mix of all these things but today my little red laptop returned home and I had the urge to write a blog post (and then I had to remember how to write one). Yes, it's been that long! But I did it. How have you been? xo