
52 Weeks of Happy (23/52)

Hello. A very late 52 Weeks of Happy due to feeling a little bleh this week. Thank you all for understanding.

This week my main happies are my family and friends but I would also like to mention the following.

♥ Feeling very maternal. My fourteen year old son has been to A & E this week after falling on some concrete steps at school (whilst playing tig... hmmm). He had a gash on the head and a badly bruised and swollen hand but he is absolutely fine. He received excellent care but when we got the phone call from his school the world shook for my baby. His apologetic, “I'm sorry for causing you worry”, only made me want to hug him more. 

♥ Having the house all to myself. Hubs, who works from home, had a meeting on one of my days off. Bliss – I don't get the house to myself very often. 
♥ Empty shelves. The birthday cards are all down (until Mother's Day) and I've been enjoying the tidier shelves. I don't have many objects on display but I still enjoy moving them around. These vintage bottles (collected many years ago) used to be in the loft in our old house but are now proudly on display.
♥ Cupcakes and a walk making us feel happy on yet another grey day. However, we did notice breaks in the clouds and opening buds on trees. Hello spring we know you're there.

This project set up by Jen from Little Birdie is a favourite part of my blogging week. Looking for happiness when life gets tough is hard but healing.

Be happy and as always thanks for reading xo



  1. I'm so sorry that you've had a rough week. Thoughts go to your friend, and hope she recovers.

    I'm glad you've been able to find some happy moments this week, they lift the spirits.

  2. I hope you feel better soon. Kids can be a worry at the best of times...I guess teenagers as well.

    Take care,

    Nina x

  3. Oh I am glad to hear he is ok. From the minute they are born that is it, isn't it? Worry and responsibility! Happy Mother's Day for tomorrow x

  4. Love those beautiful old bottles, They remind me of what my dad dug up when I was a child. He was into his archaeology :)

    Hope you get spoilt on Sunday.

    Glad your boy's ok. What a scary moment.

    Sft x

  5. Your poor boy! I hope he's ok. Do we ever stop worrying about our kids, I wonder?

    Sorry it's been a tough week. Focusing on the small and happy things always helps a little, I find.

    Gillian x

  6. Oh Claire I felt for you when you wrote about your boy's accident and trip to A&E! (I got a similar phone call when my son was a young teen skiing with friends on a different mountain.) So glad that he's ok and that you found some happy moments too.


Thanks for reading and leaving your comments. Keep in touch xo